Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Trip

For the past few years, Main Street Baptist Church has sent a group of people to Bluefields Nicaragua to build a church and minister to the people there. They have had great times that were spiritually uplifting, relationship building, and life changing. The rest of the church has heard countless stories about the friendships that were made there, the people that touched their lives, and the way God has moved in them. This year we are sending a group of 35, mostly college students from SUNY Oneonta or Hartwick. The last few trips has seen the completion of the first church, which is now used seven days a week by the whole community. Our team is going from December 28th - January 9th to build a new church in a different part of Bluefields, one that is going to be used for church services as well as for creating pastors who can be used all over the world.

Each individual needs to raise a total of 2000 dollars by October 1st, half of which is due July 1st. The team needs 8000 dollars in addition to this for building and food supplies, which the whole team will be trying to raise through fundraisers in our town. A few members of the team have been getting a good response from our letters of support, and for that we praise God! But some of us don't have many friends or family from whom we can ask for money. We ask that anyone who is reading this pray for us that we can raise the money to be able to do this awesome thing in Bluefields.

If anyone feels God moving them to make a donation, no matter how small, to either the team or an individual, we would gladly welcome a check made out to Main Street Baptist re: Bluefields 2009. Please send it to Main Street Baptist Church/ 333 Main st./ Oneonta, NY 13820. (We can send you a receipt to be used on tax forms if you request it.) And again, we need all the prayers you are willing to pray for us. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I would like to suggest that you use a different color font or background. I would love to read your posts but my middle-aged eyes can't see what you've written.
